
Sunday, July 26, 2009

graduation~ melaka

我的大姐~读了这么多年终于从Yap Suet Li 变成Dr. Yap Suet Li~
哈哈~我和二姐为了不要去听无聊的毕业礼~所以其实也是等仪式完后才去拍拍照~玩玩她的四方帽~至于等它结束的那段空档~我们就跑到dataran pahlawan走走^^

9.30am~早期的鸟儿未必有虫吃==我们到那里的时间早到shopping centre都还没开门~就很兴奋地乱乱走~走到这不懂什么地方当一当游客~陪一陪在这里观光的中国人~


有大概两个小时的空档~想唱k?时间又不够~shopping? kl才是圣地~结果?我们就去fish spa!!
RM15 for 20 minutes~其实也不知道价钱和不合理就去了~第一次去“喂鱼”~

亲爱的叔叔和亲戚过来接我和二姐了~也不知道他们为什么酱有兴致去a famosa~晒到~为了看着还年幼的表堂弟。。就跟着去~突然听到有个马来人和我们说话~"konichiwa!"哈哈哈哈哈~请别当我们是日本来的~
但我和姐也很好心的没说selamat petang来鱼他~






Wednesday, July 22, 2009

my july~

giant man vs old town small cup
this tall guy,yap ka wun,my grandson already went to aus for his studies...i feel that he quite enjoys life there~maybe a few years later i will study in the university of south australia...hope i can meet him there^^..

19.7.2009~erm..actually i planned to celebrate my birthday with my primary school friends on that day~this is because we plan to have gathering on this day since very long time ago~but due to some 'accidents'..the gathering was cancelled~but never mind^^~i go to the curve with my sister to do some shopping again~haha~spend so much money recently~and we finally bought this wall decoration sticker..cost RM39~the cheapest price i found in this stall~is hard for us to decide which design to buy because our taste is quite different~anyone interested can search in this website..

Somebody will ask "u didn't celebrate with ur quison?"~
Of course i celebrated with him~but is the day before my birthday~haha~an 'accident' again~we can't have our meal in the restaurant he planned~ 'The Cave'~Wah~i never go before~but from the decoration outside the restaurant~i can feel this restaurant is damn nice~unluckily the boss of this restaurant is a bit lazy and cut the time for business==~so end up we 'accidently' came to desa sri hartamas~we had spanish meals here~my conclusion is...nice^^restaurant in desa sri hartamas seldom disappointing me~
'how much we spent here?" hehe~just forget it^^and...forgot to take photo in the restaurant too==

hehe~is this cute?my sis bought it from mid valley~about RM 28 for 3 cupcakes~btw..the taste is not as nice as the appearance~

Saturday, July 4, 2009


之前就一直在烦这天要怎样过~errr~直到昨天~cherrie告诉我我可以去grace家过夜~我就决定了~我今晚要clubbing~haiz~sorry to 阿爸阿妈~我瞒着他们~说去朋友家过夜和玩==~真不应该~

结果那天放学后就去看了ice age 3~去到戏院有点被zha dao~transformer的lane有够长~other movies 的短到很pik chik~ 还蛮不错看的~和上几集差不到一样废~只是climax时有人突然打给我~我就miss了那部分==~算了吧~哈~

本来是打算10.30pm出发的~结果等人载等等下就一个小时了~ 有点无奈但没办法~哈~在这么空闲的时间就拍了少少照片~


me,grace,yao,n the tallest cherrie

me,belinda,yao n cherrie

cherrie change cloth~


deng deng deng deng~终于到了MOS~结果因为我这种不够岁的人又拖了一些时间~发呆了一些才进到去~我的第一次。。。。进到去更呆了~哈~幸好那里是禁烟的~所以没很难顶~那里的灯光又蛮美~爽~我整晚很清醒~因为喝很少~我们还有点蛮笨的~相机拿了去却没用到~哈哈~唯一的遗憾咯~

因为一些‘意外’~花了一些时间才到grace家~最惨是要麻烦到别人的妈妈~pai seh a~等到要睡时已经快6am了~破纪录~

奇迹般的我们12pm就醒了~cheras真的有够远~kl 又traffic jam~一个小时才到kepong区~要感谢她们叫我吃了午餐才回了~要不然我也不会酱巧在半路遇到培思俊翰~哈哈~当我在brem mall附近塞车时~手机突然响了~才知道他们就在我前面~有缘到爆~平时有难约出来的现在突然遇到~就陪他们去吃辣椒板面~哈~happy leh^^