Advantages of high heels
- Heels allow women to adopt a more seductive stance as they push the chest and buttocks out in an erotic manner.
- High heel shoes make a woman take on a sexier gait, as to maintain balance on heels she sways her hips sensuously.
- High heels help improve the height of the women who feel they are too short to be attractive.
- High heel shoes elongate the lines of the legs and make them appear slimmer and longer.
- The elevation of the heels makes your legs appear several inches longer and also sexier.
- A woman in high heel shoes appears more confident, sophisticated and also sexy.
- Recently researchers have found wearing high heels improves a woman’s pelvic floor muscles and thereby boosts her sexual desire.
Disadvantages of high heels
- Heel shoes may cause pain in the foot.
- Wearing heels over a period of time causes foot deformities, including hammertoes and bunions
- Women who wear high heels frequently develop degenerative joint disease of the knees.
- High heel shoes may cause corns in the foot and even damage foot tendons in the long term.
- High heels can shorten the wearer's stride and make them unable to run.
- High heels can be dangerous as women are more likely to fall when wearing heels as compared to wearing flat shoes
今天是parliament trip哦~我很勇敢地在两天前买了一双8cm高的高跟鞋……包鞋啦(虽然今天看到有一两个没穿也没事,心里有点不平衡==)~今天就承受了我爱美不要命的结果……痛到~~~明明已经做足措施~可是还是脚趾又痛脚板又痛……真佩服那些可以穿酱高的鞋子又若无其事的人……可是我身边的女性友人没有一个不是像我酱……痛到想脱鞋走……但这种毁己形象的事我还是没做到==。。 回到正题……parliament trip~我几乎只是去dewan rakyat睡觉的……没有人开会……所以整个dewan都是我们tbf的~哈哈~yi min就很幸运地做到郭素芯的位子~我就坐在一个叫dr.p.ramasamy的位子上……黑色的皮椅~舒服~omg~那个解说员用他十分流利的国文讲了一大堆~十个字只听到只听到一个~有点怀疑我酱多年来国文怎样学回来的==……在中华呆太久的悲哀……听不惯国文!看来我的assignment和report都难产了……我就听着听着在那里‘钓鱼’了~paiseh leh==在这个平时议员拿来吵架的地方睡觉……我去那里很像只为了拍照酱~感觉很无谓~ 亲爱的经济老师MRAng……越来越觉得他很geng~之前就知道他的地理很强~也不懂他怎样记得别国的小城市名字的……懂的东西很广……看animated看到连日文也会了~服了他~今天看他对政治也很清楚~什么时候我也能变得知识丰富一些咧?也许我看过的书籍里头的知识我一点也记不住==算了吧~
都不懂什么mc donald game~一个小时不到 bankrupt 了三次==
o ur blog....
ReplyDeleteI guess there's no need to introduce ba...Haha!
So nice, can witness the actual parliament meeting...Nice experience eventhough its boring =)
All the best to you!
update lar!!!